
来源: 知识分享  /  作者: 知识库 /  2023-04-22 01:50:01  /  次浏览




AI has always frightened us. Although it amazes us, we often feel uncomfortable seeing something that is smarter than us. Taking a self-driving taxi ride, scanning one's face to pay for a meal, or even having one's life depend on wearable medical devices: these experiences, which may seem like miracles that for decades could only happen in science fiction films, have already become essential and common in our daily lives.

Some think perils are all around us since people are already enmeshed in a technological revolution yet technology may backfire and lead to irreversible social problems. Others are positive that technology is designed to promise humans a better life.

In this episode of "The Chat Room," we invited guests from China, the United States and Russia to discuss whether A.I. will make our lives better or more distressing.



Controlling or being controlled?


Wang Yunlin, an undergraduate student at Peking University, represented the affirmative side, insisting that AI has already become an inalienable part of our life, and people cannot and also have no need to turn back time and return to their outdated lifestyles. Living with AI is an inevitable result of human civilization and she recommended that people work with AI to increase the efficiency and accuracy of the existing working processes.

与这位中国学生的想法不同,来自美国的小型企业咨询顾问尼科(Nicholas C. Bonvini)认为,人工智能给社会带来了人员失业、隐私被侵犯等多种问题。此外,尼科提到,人工智能只向人们展示各自想看到的内容,这导致人们只能看到与自己认知相同的观点,仿佛自己被技术控制了一般,所见所闻、所思所想都受到了禁锢。

However, Nicholas C. Bonvini, a small business consultant, disagreed, arguing that AI has brought society problems such as job losses and the invasion of privacy. He added that AI will show people what they want to see, which will lead them to only see the point of view they agree with and will weaken people's ability to deal with diversity. This may even result in AI controlling what we see and think as well.


Replacing or being replaced?


Wang noted that robots can do a lot of things that we are not willing to do, and that does not affect our creativity. Procedural or boring routine work can be done by machines so humans can use their limited time or energy to deal with more sophisticated or meaningful work.

△节目嘉宾尼科(Nicholas C. Bonvini)


"AI knows more about us than ourselves sometimes," Bonvini countered, adding he had concerns that machines or technology designed to replace certain jobs in different industries were now becoming more and more intelligent and may already replace positions that used to be considered creative and meaningful.

△节目嘉宾卡佳(Ekaterina Kologrivaya)△节目嘉宾卡佳(Ekaterina Kologrivaya)

在“被取代”一事上,就读于北京大学的俄罗斯籍研究生卡佳(Ekaterina Kologrivaya)直接抛出“灵魂拷问”——你的人生目标是什么?卡佳认为,人们根本就不应该让人工智能取代那些看似小而简单的工作,因为哪怕是日常的简单任务,也都是生活中必不可少的一部分,这是任何技术或机器都无法取代的。卡佳说:“过程有时比结果更有意义。”

"What the purpose of your life?" Ekaterina Kologrivaya, a Russian graduate student, asked as she argued that people shouldn't let AI replace small and simple work. Injecting meaning into routine or simple tasks is an essential part of life and this can't be replaced by any technology or machine, she said. The process sometimes is much more meaningful than the result, Kologrivaya added.


Terminator? Or just the next iteration?

来自美国的电影制片人吉姆(Jim Fields)表示:“当新技术出现时,人们往往会感到害怕。但人们可以与人工智能一起展开工作,来创造出更高质量的生活,就像开发这门技术时的初心那样。”他说,人工智能就像以往的发明一样,可以赋予人们更多的自由和创造空间。

"Every time when a new technology emerges in society, people are afraid," Jim Fields, a filmmaker from the U.S., said. But people can work with AI to achieve a better life just as it was designed to do. AI can give people more freedom, more space for creativity and so on, just like other previous technological inventions, he said.

△节目嘉宾吉姆(Jim Fields)身着机器人道具服


People feel insecure when new technology enters their life, which is normal and we have seen these sorts of discussions thousands of times before. But each of these uproarious debates represented a step in society's progress. The self-evident truth is that AI is helping billions of people around the world enter a new era of technology and it is magical to witness this moment where technology is contributing to a recalcitrant world and will shape every step of social development in the future.


   跳舞让生活更美好作文600字六年级(六年级课堂作文鉴赏《跳舞让生活更美好》7424号 杨嘉怡)

【本文标题和网址】人工智能会让整个世界变得更好还是更糟糕(全球会客厅:人工智能让生活变得更美好还是更烦恼?) www.chun1983.cn/cjxs/111264.html

页面缓存最新更新时间: 2023年06月06日 星期二